Have You Heard of Survivorship Bias?

Have you ever thought about how many business leaders dropped out of college? It might make you wonder if dropping out of college is better than finishing. If so, you may have just fallen victim to survivorship bias! Survivorship bias is when you only look at the positive outcomes for a group, the ‘survivors.’ So […]
Discover Why You Need to Travel in the Fall

We’re stating the obvious early, according to Forbes, travel will be 40% cheaper this fall than in peak summer. For those of us who did not take, or get, the opportunity to travel during the summer, chances are you’ll be saving before you even get on the plane. Lower temperatures, less packed airports, and more […]
Unbelievable Tips to Make Your Phone Smarter

No matter how active of a phone user you are, you probably have only scratched the surface of what your phone can do. Your trusty companion has dozens of small tasks it can complete, making your smartphone quicker and far more efficient. (Especially with new features announced with each major iOS release). Obviously there’s no way […]