If it isn’t obvious, people are stressed. Incredibly stressed. More often than not, according to more than a few sources, if you ever decide to google it. Work, or the uncertainty that comes with it. Financial stability, college coursework, and the obvious survival through a pandemic have left the world rocked in more ways than one.
It’s easy to feel frustrated or a little stuck in everyday life we’re all used to. With mental health and resources around it becoming more of a prevalent conversation, there are still small life hacks you can implement to make your day just a bit easier.
# 1 – Clean Your Room
The first step to hacking your own brain is creating a space for it to thrive, and an environment that will ensure success. Sadly, that means that you may have to start with your room. No, seriously.
Cleaning your room can keep your mind at ease and provide bonus health effects in the long term. Vacuuming and dusting your room can result in better air quality, which will improve your sleep. Less clutter around your workspaces will provide clarity for your mind to focus on the task
at hand. Plus, you might find those jeans you’ve been looking for.
"Focusing on the opportunity to complete a task for personal time afterwards, like your favorite video game or new book, can be the spark your mind needs to power through assignments."
#2 – Take a Walk
Moving away from your desk and right outside the front door would be your next best step in a quick mental detox. As cliché as it may be, according to Self, exercise plays a pivotal role in preventing and coping with poor mental health. It also improves your energy, and easily reduces stress, without requiring the commitment to a full-on workout.
Start with a few minutes a day, preferably with your best playlist as well. If you haven’t put together the perfect playlist for a stroll, walk in an area with scenery, or bring a pet. You can also bring friends with you for encouragement. Turns out that when life becomes a bit too much, all you have to do is quite literally take a hike.
#3 – Treat Yourself
It’s easy to say “I deserve this,” after making yet another order on Amazon, but there is a trick to actually making your brain happy about that last purchase. Focusing on the opportunity to complete a task for personal time afterwards, like your favorite video game or new book, can be the spark your mind needs to power through assignments.
The reward itself can be what you like, but when you’re receiving it makes a world of difference. Managing what’s important to you and leveraging the time needed for it can be all the motivation you need to turn a “reward” into a healthy routine.
While services like TalkSpace make it easier to find help with mental stress, having your own tips to relieve yourself of stress will only benefit you. Take time to figure out specific life hacks that work for you. Minimizing stress can add years to your life and is worth the investment.